Blaai deur onderwerpe vir Primêr 1 1ste, 2de en 3de Kwartaal, Alle Weke, Alle Vakke
AGE: 5-6years
DURATION : 3 periods of 40 mins each
TERM: 1st Term
TOPIC : Consonant blends 2
CONTENT : Consonant blends (gr, pr, cr, dr, br, fr)
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;
ENENTRY BEHAVIOR : Pupils can identify alphabet letters
SET INDUCTION : The teachers uses pictures of familiar objects with R-blends to arouse the pupils interest
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES : Discussion, group activities,
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS : Two set of index cards with the beginning blends (gr, pr, cr, dr, br, fr)written on them, a few images(vocabulary cards) or objects of things that begin with the R blend(crab, dress, frog, grape, pram)
PERIOD 1 AND 2: Identification, sounding and spelling words beginning with R-blends(br, cr, fr)
S/N |
1 |
Introduction |
- Displays one of the R-blend objects or images(broom)
- Writes the name of the object on the board and underline the consonant blend Br-oom - Explains that today’s learning will be about words that contain the R-blends at the beginning |
The pupils identifies the object and say its name aloud |
2 |
Building academic Language |
- Reviews the sound R by writing a lowercase and uppercase l on the board. R r Says the sound loud - Explains that they’ll be learning how to identify and read words that contain R-blends. This means that the first letter of the word will be a consonant and the second letter will be an R - Writes a word that begin with an R-blend on the board and models how to segment the word into parts(r-blend and remaining letters) Br-oom |
The pupils repeat the sound after the teachers -The pupils practice reading and blending the segmented words along with the teacher |
3 |
Sentence |
- Writes the following blends(br, cr, fr) on the board and practices reading each blends and think of words that begin with them Br cr fr Br-oom cr-own fr-og Br-ick cr-ab fr- -Models how to record the word and draw quick pictures of them Br-oom Br-ick Cr-own Cr-ab Fr-og Fr-ame |
4 |
Discourse |
-Pairs up the pupils and pass out one of the pre-written index cards and two pieces of blank paper to each pair - as pupils to work together to write and draw as many words that begin with their R-blends - brings the class together and have them share out the new words they came up with |
5 |
Evaluation |
-pass out the Beginning Blends Review Worksheet for each student to complete independently -As pupils are working, assesses if they are able to identify R-blends and appropriately blend the sounds in a word together |
PERIOD 3: Identification, sounding and spelling words beginning with R-blends(gr, pr, gr)
S/N |
1 |
Introduction |
- Displays one of the r-blend objects or images(grapes) - Writes the name of the object on the board and underline the consonant blend grapes - Explains that today’s learning will be about words that contain the R-blends at the beginning |
The pupils identifies the object and say its name aloud |
2 |
Building academic Language |
- Reviews the sound R by writing a lowercase and uppercase l on the board. R r Says the sound loud - Explains that they’ll be learning how to identify and read words that contain R-blends. This means that the first letter of the word will be a consonant and the second letter will be an R - Writes a word that begin with an R-blend on the board and models how to segment the word into parts(r-blend and remaining letters) gr-apes |
The pupils repeat the sound after the teachers -The pupils practice reading and blending the segmented words along with the teacher |
3 |
Sentence |
- Writes the following blends(gr, pr, dr) on the board and practices reading each blends and think of words that begin with them gr pr dr gr-apes pr-am dr-ess gr-een pr-ug dr-agon -Models how to record the word and draw quick pictures of them gr-apes gr-een
Pr-inter dr-ess dr-agon |
4 |
Discourse |
-Pairs up the pupils and pass out one of the pre-written index cards and two pieces of blank paper to each pair - as pupils to work together to write and draw as many words that begin with their R-blends - brings the class together and have them share out the new words they came up with |
5 |
Evaluation |
-pass out the Beginning Blends Review Worksheet for each student to complete independently -As pupils are working, assesses if they are able to identify R -blends and appropriately blend the sounds in a word together |
1 |
Consonant blends 1(L-blends) |
2 |
Consonant blends 2 (R-blends) |
3 |
Double consonants |
4 |
Hard and soft g and c sound |
5 |
Homophones |
6 |
Long a sound patterns |
7 |
Long e sound patterns |
8 |
Long i sound patterns |
9 |
Long o sound patterns |